Refresh table's relationship on nocodb after updating and creating foreign keys on table [Apr 27]

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

I just adding today

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

if you go to meta page, r u able to see the sync

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

do you have any image of it?

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

I cannot found the sync menu

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

which part of screen?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

if you oepn project

left bottom : Team and settings > Metadata

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

hmmm… I see. Just press Sync Now button, right?

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

now can use it, really thanks both of you

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