CMD to create table bulk import [Apr 15]

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi asked


Is there a command line available to create the table or bulk import CSV to a table ; for tables with high number of columns it will be helpful

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

hello wingkwong

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

if u go to swagger ui, then execute a api call, you will see the curl command

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied


:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

how do i go to swagger UI

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

assuming you r using rest api project, check this out

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

after executing an api call, u should see sth like


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

with similar idea, you may check out

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

Able to access APIs now. I will try this out. Thank you.

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

however is there API for create table

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

api for create table will be avilable in the next release

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

awesome thank you so much

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

i am trying to import CSV and its failing with 400

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

.returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect.

POST /nc/work_gkos/api/v1/planview/bulk 400 17168 - 22.880 ms

.returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect.

POST /nc/work_gkos/api/v1/planview/bulk 400 17168 - 28.775 ms

.returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect.

POST /nc/work_gkos/api/v1/planview/bulk 400 17168 - 13.598 ms

:raising_hand_man: vishal.gandhi replied

this is as per docker container logs

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

pls create an issue on github with some details (project info, steps to reproduce etc)

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