Csv import issue [May 09]

:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 asked

I am getting an error while importing csv. It says validation failed ismobile

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied


:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 replied


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

when u import it, can u see if there s any mapping related to mobile?

:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 replied

Thats what I changed that mapping to text

:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 replied

but the error still persists

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

can u provide a dummy file for reproducing the issue?

:raising_hand_man: Bergi9 replied

Maybe you had that one column as mobile field in the past. Deleting the column and recreate the column should work again.

:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 replied

Yes deleting and recreating it worked.

:raising_hand_man: MaxWell94 replied

Thanks guys :slightly_smiling_face:

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