Docker-compose issue [Mar 18]

:raising_hand_man: DukeLeTran replied

FYI, I don’t see the sqlitedb file

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

sqlite s used only when NC_DB is not found. it s not there bc u hv NC_DB specified.

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

"the working one had incorrect passwords to my database "


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

actually when u run this docker compose, u r provisioning a mariadb container and it sets your credential up based on the environment variables

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

“I did pre-create “app_nocodb” prior”

so why did u pre-create? it sounds like u r creating another DB

:raising_hand_man: DukeLeTran replied

I did create a new DB, along with the new credentials (i.e. “app_nocodb”) – mostly because I thought it was required

:raising_hand_man: DukeLeTran replied

**without **my pre-made database/credentials, it does spin up, but I do **not **see the “root_db” database show up in my mariadb though mysql -u noco -p; SHOW DATABASES; so where would that database be?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

i think i know wt’s happened.

when u said u created a new DB, it is actually on your local, not docker container. In your docker compose, you are actually referring to the DB in the docker container. i.e. you create the DB & NocoDB when u run docker-compose up.

when u said u didn’t see root_db, i think you are looking at the local one instead of the the docker one. You can use docker exec command to get into the container. In the container, run mysql -u noco -p and enter your password n check your databases. (that’s wt i did in screenshot)

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

in summary, there’s sth u need to consider.

1. which database u need to use for nocodb? either the one on your local or the one on docker

2. if you want to use your local db, then you don’t need to use docker-compose

3. if you want to use existing docker db, then you dont need to use docker-compose

4. if you want to use docker db which is provisioned with nocodb, then use docker-compose

:raising_hand_man: DukeLeTran replied

Hi wkw@discord, Sorry I have been busy but that :100: makes sense – thank you so much!!

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