Kanban (read-only sharing) - empty details in card

Hi all,

I’m from non-profit (charity) organization. We are using selfhost NOCODB in a small server with configuration 1 CPU • 1 Гб RAM • 15 Гб NVMe. I have a problem with sharing view mode in KANBAN cards.

Please see self-hosted link: NocoDB

The issue is:
I provided read-only access in KANBAN mode. User may see overview with cards, but cannot access to details of separate card. The card opening, but information into the card were not loading. In other words: if you click on any map, a map will open with empty fields (without information in them).

What I do wrong (security permissions, weak server config, cyrillic alphabet, else)? Please advice.

I just applied scenario in NOCODB cloud. All KANBAN sharing working good. Please see CLOUD link: NocoDB

@azbukasemi Welcome to NocoDB community!
For me, it worked in both cloud & localhost. Since its working in cloud with cyrillic, I do not suspect on that part either. Will discuss with our team to see if they can come up with some explanation

Can you try with the below docker image & see if it solves your problem? This one is docker build with all recent changes - but hasn’t been released yet. So try it out locally on a dummy database. Do not roll it out
