Limit swagger and stored procedure [Jan 13]

:raising_hand_man: warmichlive asked

Hello to all the nocoders.

I have a local database.

I access it with NoCoDb.

I have an Angular app to consume an API.

My SQL Express database has a User table, a Role table, an Enterprise table.

I am using swagger for queries.

I have 2 questions.

1 Is it possible to limit the swagger?

Example: Only Get and Post would be allowed on the User table.

2 I have two stored procedures that allow hashing the password. UserLogin and UserRegister.

How to pass these stored procedures in the requests sent to the swagger?

Thank you in advance to whoever will take the time to answer me.


:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

1. The access control is mostly along the lines of a spreadsheet : editor, commenter and viewer. So currently limiting to only get and post as described is not possible.

2. Passing stored procedure to swagger is not possible :slightly_smiling_face: Sorry

:raising_hand_man: warmichlive replied

Ok thanks o1lab :disappointed_relieved:

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