LinkToAnotherRecord direction doubt [Mar 04]

:raising_hand_man: Richnou asked


In the “Link To Another Record” page you said:

- ‘Has Many’: corresponds to the ‘One-to-many’ relationships

- ‘Many To Many’: corresponds to the ‘Many-to-many’ relationships

For M-M, no problème, but for 1-N it doesn’t work ; it’s like a 1-1…

If I take an “publisher” already selected, it is de-selected from the old one…

(see video )

What’s it’s wrong in my structure ?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Its the other way around

Publishers has many books

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

so you have to create that relation from publishers table to books

:raising_hand_man: Richnou replied

Ouch… Ok…

:raising_hand_man: Richnou replied

I have a little too much of a reflex to create the foreign key in the book table

:raising_hand_man: Richnou replied

Many (to many) thanks :wink:

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

we’d the option of foreign key and we took it down :slightly_smiling_face:

:raising_hand_man: Richnou replied

Once we know… :grin:

:raising_hand_man: Richnou replied

I will add an addendum to my video :wink:

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