Storj s3 plugin [Mar 23]

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr asked

Hi. I’m attempting to connect storj s3 storage, but unfortuantely there does not seem to be a generic S3 plugin. Storj s3 provides it’s own endpoint to use instead of Amazons.

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

dpg@discord port 443 did the trick!

However, while attachments seem to return 200 on POST requests, GET requests return 403’s. It seems to upload, but images/attatchemtents do not appear.

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

sorry can’t help there. I literally just found this tool an hour ago haha. Trying it out myself right now

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

connecting s3 just means row attachments are uploaded to s3 then?

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

Haha. Your insight has been helpful!

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

any logs?

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

That’s what I’ve gathered till now.

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

Is this helpful?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

have u verified that those images are actually uploaded to s3?

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

I can confirm that these files have been uploaded to the storage.

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

Here is the implimentation of the same thing in baserow, another airtable opensource alternative.

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

ashishdhngr@discord : if you are familiar with storj - appreciate a PR on this

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

should be simple enough if you see how we do it for s3 or scaleway - v similar

:raising_hand_man: ashishdhngr replied

o1lab@discord I’ll create a pull request and create a storj plugin. I was attempting to do exactly this on a forked version last night. Now I need to brush up on git. Any way to one click install a modified forked repo to test plugin functionality?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

awesome, thanks

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

forked version 1-click : you can use one of our actions under .github

but it relies on docker and npm secrets etc

if you can think of a way - pls let us know

we want that as well

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