The order of the columns in "SORT" does not match the fields in the database


I’m facing an issue where the column order in “SORT” doesn’t align with the fields in the database.

The fields Year, Month, and Divorce Specialist have been rearranged in the main table view, but in “SORT,” they are currently in an incorrect sequence.

Is there a way to resolve this? Thank you.


@mateusznowak Welcome to NocoDB community!
Field order in SORT menu will be based on the order in which fields were created. Currently it is not possible to rearrange them in anyway.

How many fields do you have in your table?
Will it help if we support SORT menu items to be always ordered based on default view field order? I will check with our engineering team on this.

Issue created here to follow up - 🔦 Feature: The order of the columns in “SORT” does not match the fields in the database · Issue #8861 · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub

Hi @dstala
Yes, please sort the menu items based on default view - that will be a massive improvement for tables with many columns! (I have around 15-20 cols)