Trouble connecting AWS RDS SQL Server instance [Feb 20]

:raising_hand_man: CharlesC asked

Used the 1-click deployment to Heroku. Having trouble connecting to aws rds sql server instance. Anyone else run into something similar. Thanks.

:man_bald: dstala replied

@charles, can you help us with more details on the error that you are facing?

Error logs or Screenshots if available will help.

:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied


:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied

:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied


:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied

Should mention that I’m able to connect via Microsoft Management Studio. Thanks.

:man_bald: dstala replied


The problem observed, we suspect could be similar to the one discussed here


Let us try the following & see if it helps

1. Open “Edit Connection JSON” – to update Knex timeout configurations

> 1a. New Project

> 1b. Create by connecting to External database

> 1c. SSL & Advanced Parameters

> 1d. Edit connection JSON

Video demo to access above details:

2. Add/ update following connection parameters :

> 2a. connectTimeout,

> 2b. requestTimeout,

> 2c. acquireConnectionTimeout

Sample here:

“connection”: {

“host”: “localhost”,

“port”: “47536”,

“user”: “MyLogin”,

“password”: “password”,

“database”: “sakila”,

“connectTimeout”: “180000”,

“requestTimeout”: 180000,

“ssl”: {

“ca”: “”,

“key”: “”,

“cert”: “”



“pool”: {

“min”: 0,

“max”: 10


“acquireConnectionTimeout”: 180000,

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

CharlesC@discord u may also check the security groups for RDS as well.

:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied

Got it to work! Thanks wkw@discord and dstala@discord!

:man_bald: dstala replied


What was issue? Was it Security group config?

:raising_hand_man: CharlesC replied

Yes, I had to add an inbound TCP rule.

:man_bald: dstala replied

Thank you CharlesC@discord

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