Upload large CSV? in self hosted

How to upload large CSV files to the Nocodb…
My files are of the size 150MB each…
Currently the system is saying its limited by 5MB.

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Hi Mo,
Did you find a solution to this? I’m having the same problem.


@coderjos You will have to break your CSV into chunks & iteratively upload. Easier that way. What is size of your CSV? what is your usecase?

just testing out the functionality and limitations of nocodb.
I’m testing with 100K customer records and higher.

why is there a limitation on the self hosted version and are there any other ways to import other than breaking up the file to smaller sizes. seems like a lot of effort

We had plans to introduce an environment variable on the self hosted version to control this. Will discuss with the Engineering team & keep you posted on this.

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Please update, is the feature available?

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i just ran into same problem with a localhost install, trying to import a 200mb sheet. maybe there is a workaround where we can turn the sheet into a sqlite db, and then connect that?

any update on this limitation?

hey @coderjos - I have raised an issue to be tracked here.

Could you briefly explain the usecase

  • What is the usecase of these many rows (or large files) ?
  • What happens to the data after being uploaded - do you edit it / clean it ?
  • How often do you do this ? in a day/week/month ?

Hi Navi,

Just want to import a data set.


Could you please share about your usecase ? this would help us understand more on the problem

Did you ever figure this out? I can’t get mine to go above 25MB

As of the day, with nocodb/nocodb:0.258.2 (or even earlier versions) you can set NC_ATTACHMENT_FIELD_SIZE. Details can be found on the this page

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