Webhook issue [Mar 25]

:raising_hand_man: ofir asked

problem with webhook URL.

not stop sending requests for URL webhook.

I ran out of the package in a minute :frowning_with_open_mouth:

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

hi could u share more details

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

which details?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

so the problem s after u update a record, a webhook keeps triggering (i.e. keep sending GET requests to the endpoint). is it correct?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

yes… Non-stop

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

pls try removing json in params n retest

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

besides, wt 's the column type? a number field?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

I found the problem.

I have two Webhooks with “after update”.

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

It is possible to make an option that will not respond if the edit was made by webhook?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

you mean there is a webhook updating the record causing infinite loop?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied


:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

have me two webhooks

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

could you explain the flow? why you would hv a webhook to detect if the record is updated and trigger another webhook to update it again?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

Because the system is limited in its capabilities…

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

There is no option for internal automations

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

to avoid one of the webhook being triggered, you may add conditions given your business flow

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

thats why im wondering the flow in detail

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