300-500k rows [Feb 08]

:raising_hand_man: paing asked

Hi all , I haven’t tested NocoDB yet but planning to try it. I’m curious anyone working with over 300-500k rows in NocoDB and does it work well?

Airtable became slow with this amount of rows even it’s with pro plan.

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

We are on actual database that can house millions of records. And the views are paginated hence.

:raising_hand_man: paing replied

Thanks for your reply. I tried to install Nocodb on Heroku by using 1-click deployment from Github repo.

But the result is showing like that.

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

I just tried it with default settings without any issues.

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

has your application deployed successfully? you should see this as well

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