Data sync from airtabled [Mar 03]

:raising_hand_man: Vlas asked

Hello! I’ve moved 40 000 records from the Airtable into the PostgreSQL. Then I synchronised data in Nocodb to make the table visible. But it doesn’t show my records in the table. I can see it in PostgreSQL, but not in Nocodb. What can be the reason of this issue?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

I wonder whether you have synced data to NC_DB database ?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

The database NC_DB points to and the database to which you have synced data from airtable can’t be same.

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

o1lab@discord yes, I synced data with Nocodb. Other tables from the same database with lower amount of rows works good. But the table with 40 000 rows doesn’t show its rows.

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Can u paste project info (right top menu)

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Ahok, only one table is not showing the rows

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

Node: v12.22.6

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: true

Database: pg

ProjectOnRootDB: true

RootDB: pg

PackageVersion: 0.84.10

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Happy to help over zoom, will DM

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Thanks you for taking through the details. Looks like there is a column with name “done?” in it which might be causing the problem. May be it happened while you were editing the column names.

Either ways, if you can think of the setup I mentioned earlier where you sync the data to a new database in postgres - it might be good way to do things.

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

o1lab@discord I’ve tried to connect table as you ordered. It doesn’t work too. I will try to copy table structure with no data and put data with .csv-upload function

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Our CSV upload on a table where column has relations won’t work

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

o1lab@discord I know, but UI Bakery’s tool doesn’t keep relations too. It just save them like a text with related record’s ID. I will try to restore connections after that with n8n. As I saw, Nocodb’s API has m2m-function, where I can set first table’s ID and id of the second table. I will try to use this way

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

OMG, it works! I used PGadmin and change column’s names: delete from them symbols “+” and “?”. After that nocodb shows all rows.

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

Also I changed environment variable “DB_QUERY_LIMIT_MAX” to 100000

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied


:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

can you see why those extra + and ? were coming

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

is that an issue with the tool you used to migrate data

:raising_hand_man: Vlas replied

It happened because we called some fields in the Airtable like “+7 days” and “Done?”. Airtable doesn’t has strong rules for the fields naming.

:raising_hand_man: woaxis replied

Hello o1lab@discord / Vlas@discord

:raising_hand_man: woaxis replied

It seems that I have the same problem as you. Following a GraphQL query, I have my “Contact” table empty, while in the PostgreSQL database the data is present.

I installed NocoDB on Heroku in 1click. Can you help me to solve this problem? Thank you very much