Can you share a sample formula which is failing in PG [Jan 06]

:raising_hand_man: sskg asked

Also, the formula field doesn’t work on PostgreSQL databases. Works fine on MySQL and SQLLite though.

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

Can you share a formula which is failing in pg ?

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

I’m seeing the same problem; formula doesn’t work at all, e.g. 1 + 1 does not work

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

thanks for sharing , we will try to reproduce the problem and let you know

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

which version of postgres do you have ?

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

I’m actually using a very exotic database call splitgraph

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

it’s based on postgres and i’m not using any of the special features so it should behave like postgres

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

We couldn’t able to reproduce the problem with postgres 13

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

ok let me test again with normal postgres

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

can you try to do simple


select 1+1


:man_technologist: pranavxc replied


:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

yes that works

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

1+1 i mean

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

check your console log and browser network tab for any error

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

no errors. but I do see un-related errors. basically any db update fails with KNEX error even though I’m logged in as dbo

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

can you share the docker /nodejs log

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

try with normal postgres db as well

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

just tried with postgres 12.1, still doesn’t work. there’s almost nothing on the docker log

:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied


POST /dashboard/?q=sqlOp_tableXcModelGet 200 4484 - 2.239 ms

GET /nc/postgres_4uqg/api/v1/OrderDetails/count?where= 304 - - 6.841 ms

GET /nc/postgres_4uqg/api/v1/OrderDetails?limit=25&offset=0&where=&sort=&hm=&bt=orders,products&mm= 304 - - 8.884 ms

DB OPS xcAuditModelCommentsCount

POST /dashboard/?q=sqlOp_xcAuditModelCommentsCount 200 2 - 2.237 ms

POST /dashboard/?q=sqlOp_xcVirtualTableUpdate 200 1 - 12.049 ms

POST /dashboard/?q=sqlOp_xcVirtualTableUpdate 200 1 - 12.039 ms

POST /dashboard/?q=sqlOp_xcVirtualTableUpdate 200 1 - 8.341 ms


:raising_hand_man: mingfang replied

on the console, this is the object printed when i save the formula
