Gmail SMTP configuration [Jun 12]

:raising_hand_man: Ra asked

Here’s the Google help article about that: Less secure apps & your Google Account - Google Account Help

:man_bald: dstala replied

Thanks <@961503950778023956> for bringing this up. We will explore further on this.

:man_bald: dstala replied

<@961503950778023956> , I was able to successfully configure GMail SMTP using app-password. Details here

:man_bald: dstala replied

Ping me if you get stuck or need any other help

:raising_hand_man: Ra replied

Thank you! I will try it out

:raising_hand_man: Ra replied

I watched the video but it still seems like a hack / workaround. I will use it if I need to but is there any other straightforward alternative to use emails?

:man_bald: dstala replied

<@961503950778023956> right now, app-password is only way for Gmail SMTP. it’s one time configuration and should be secure enough - as original gmail credentials are not exposed at all. we will consider expanding it. do help us with a feature request here.

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