Group By on rest API [Jun 24]

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta asked

Hi Guys!

How I can use group by, “Data Get dbTableRow groupBy /api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/groupby”?

Someone sample?

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied


Project Name: Foo

Table Name: Bar

View Name: Bar



curl --request GET \

–url ‘http://localhost:8080/api/v1/db/data/noco/Foo/Bar/groupby?column_name=Title’ \

–header ‘xc-auth: ’




curl --request GET \

–url ‘http://localhost:8080/api/v1/db/data/noco/Foo/Bar/views/Bar/groupby?column_name=Title’ \

–header ‘xc-auth: ’







:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied

I´m go try!

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied

Hi! Show only Count and defined column in the group by clause

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

sorry. wt do u mean?

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied

I need reproduce this in the Nocodb


usu.NomeUser AS nome,

COUNT(cli.CodCliente) AS Total_de_Nome_RazaoSocial

FROM Atendimentos AS ate

INNER JOIN Clientes cli ON ate.CodCliente = cli.CodCliente

INNER JOIN Usuarios usu ON ate.CodAgente = usu.CodUser

WHERE (ate.criadoEm)>=“2022-06-01” And (ate.criadoEm)<=NOW()

GROUP BY cli.CodCliente, usu.NomeUser

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

currently, joins are on primary and foreign key

is that that case in the above query ?

Easier way I feel is, you could create a view for this in your database

and then do metadata-sync on nocodb

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

you get the api

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied

Hi Olla!

:raising_hand_man: Cris Acosta replied

I made the joins like FK, ok

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