farhanNoco asked
Hello, in the 0.90 API I see that the
o1lab replied
hey, yes, it will be coming back… sorry it got missed out… cool that you were using it - we had not advertise it that much… what was your usecase for groupby apis… we’d initially written it for group by view
farhanNoco replied
I also depend on the query parameters such as bt, bfields, hm, hfields which seems to be missing
farhanNoco replied
Sorry to bother you again but I do not see a way. There are only fields, where and sort parameters for Table row list endpoint. Should I pass bt, hm, bfields, hfields inside these somehow?
farhanNoco replied
Thanks! I tried to filter nested columns like this: http://localhost:8081/api/v1/db/data/noco/TEST/subscriptions?fields=cars&nested[cars][fields]=ConfigId
But I still get all columns for cars instead of only ConfigId. Any idea why that could be?
pranavxc replied