Hi guys I recently created an issue 2685 [Jul 19]

:raising_hand_man: Arascane asked

Hi guys, I recently created an issue #2685 related to Korean translation on Github, and confirmed that it was reflected in version 0.92.4. However, I couldn’t find the contents in “What’s changed” on the Github page, and I couldn’t find it in the Contributor section either. Can you check to see if missing something? Thanks!

:man_bald: dstala replied

@seokjun, my bad. will update contributor section. i had missed it out

:raising_hand_man: Arascane replied

<@857998597474484295> Thanks for your prompt reply! Hope it could be reflected in the next patch(not sure when I can check it) :+1:

:man_bald: dstala replied

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