Link to multiple columns [Feb 12]

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur asked

I have a reference table (Table1) with a list of names and other data, every row is 1 person name. In Table2 I want to link to the reference table in multiple columns. When I request LinkToAnotherRecord, it allows only 1 has_many and 1 has_to_many reference. How do I link to the reference Table1 across multiple columns in Table2?

:man_bald: dstala replied

After you link two tables using (LinkToAnotherRecord), you can use LookUp or RollUp column type to extend further

:man_bald: dstala replied

:man_bald: dstala replied

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

Yes, I tried. My problem is that Table1 is a list of names in rows, Table2 I want to put multiple Table1 names into columns

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

Example Table1:

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied




:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied


:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

Project Name | Project Leader | Collaborator

NOCODB | John | Victoria, Edith

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

all in one row

:man_bald: dstala replied

Something like transpose in excel/ spreadsheet. Not possible with NocoDB.

One option I see is, download as CSV & transpose in excel/ spreadsheet & then import excel.

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

no, I do not need transpose, this has already been done

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

I have a list of names that is normalized - authoritative, and I want these names to be the same across multiple tables, so I created Table1 as a reference table

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

now in other tables I want to use these names in multiple columns, based on their role

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

I am afraid this is not transposition

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

best I would describe it as a multilink

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Got it, like a template tables from which you want to create tables.

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied


:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Pls raise it as a feature request. This could be done… but guess we ve to handle types for all DBs

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

[Feature] Multilink between tables · Issue #1158 · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub