Removed old column name(vendors_id) from database but on Nocodb UI it is asking for the column

I removed column named “vendors_id” from database . But nocodb requesting for the removed column

select "__nc_root"."id" as "corc0qszl073s25", "__nc_root"."technology" as "cglbtz63oqxjuog", "__nc_root"."recruiters_id" as "cjizis3qfxjianj", "__nc_root"."consultants_id" as "ci84dll9e4tr20n", "__nc_root"."rate" as "caducklutoq9iwj", "__nc_root"."status" as "cq6xhflk89mpci9", "__nc_root"."created_at" AT TIME ZONE CURRENT_SETTING('timezone') AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' as "c1vcew530n8y8pe", "__nc_root"."updated_at" AT TIME ZONE CURRENT_SETTING('timezone') AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' as "c0voh8a032fg8hn", "__nc_0"."cle23xdegsjrscr", (select count("__nc_rollup"."submissions_id") from "public"."notes" as "__nc_rollup" where "__nc_root"."id" = "__nc_rollup"."submissions_id") as "cfa1nigowvnvjan", "__nc_3"."cxrscoi97nvzyo9", "__nc_6"."ciie15fn7cm7nxm" from (select * from "public"."submissions" order by "id" asc limit 100 offset 0) as "__nc_root" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (select json_build_object('cxkz54ol2ms2kfo',"__nc_1"."cxkz54ol2ms2kfo",'csjfqx0pifgmove',"__nc_1"."csjfqx0pifgmove") as "cle23xdegsjrscr" from (select "__nc_2"."id" as "cxkz54ol2ms2kfo", "__nc_2"."first_name" as "csjfqx0pifgmove" from (select * from "public"."employees" where "id" = "__nc_root"."recruiters_id" limit 1) as "__nc_2") as "__nc_1") as "__nc_0" ON true LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (select json_build_object('caspe8adyy55wue',"__nc_4"."caspe8adyy55wue",'cuw4ouseuz2zb55',"__nc_4"."cuw4ouseuz2zb55") as "cxrscoi97nvzyo9" from (select "__nc_5"."id" as "caspe8adyy55wue", "__nc_5"."first_name" as "cuw4ouseuz2zb55" from (select * from "public"."consultants" where "id" = "__nc_root"."consultants_id" limit 1) as "__nc_5") as "__nc_4") as "__nc_3" ON true LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (select json_build_object('calzhyes8p5k9oo',"__nc_7"."calzhyes8p5k9oo",'c1l1ls1syv3x18s',"__nc_7"."c1l1ls1syv3x18s") as "ciie15fn7cm7nxm" from (select "__nc_8"."id" as "calzhyes8p5k9oo", "__nc_8"."first_name" as "c1l1ls1syv3x18s" from (select * from "public"."recruiters" where "id" = "__nc_root"."vendors_id" limit 1) as "__nc_8") as "__nc_7") as "__nc_6" ON true order by "__nc_root"."id" asc - column __nc_root.vendors_id does not exist

Was this an external database from which you removed the column. If so, you will have to do a meta sync.

Else if its internal database on our cloud. Please provide your the URL or workspace_id (see attached image).


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Thanks it resolved my issue.