CaptainKranch asked
CaptainKranch replied
am I able to get information from an external api and put it on nocodb with the method get using webhooks?
CaptainKranch replied
{“msg”:“insert into "nc_hook_logs_v2" ("base_id", "created_at", "event", "execution_time", "id", "notification", "operation", "payload", "project_id", "response", "test_call", "triggered_by", "type", "updated_at") values ($1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, DEFAULT, $9, $10, $11, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - invalid input syntax for type integer: "460.735"”}
CaptainKranch replied
Node: v12.22.12
Arch: x64
Platform: linux
Docker: false
Database: pg
ProjectOnRootDB: true
RootDB: pg
PackageVersion: 0.90.7
BoMBx replied