What about webhook option [May 04]

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx asked

what about webhook option?

:raising_hand_man: CaptainKranch replied

am I able to get information from an external api and put it on nocodb with the method get using webhooks? thanks for the reply!

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

Document here https://docs.nocodb.com/developer-resources/webhooks

:raising_hand_man: BoMBx replied

what is your goal? If I can help you, I will.

:raising_hand_man: CaptainKranch replied

I have around ~7k sim cards, this db is constantly updating. From those ~7k sim cards I need to activate them using a third party api. So my idea was, if the db was updated use the third party api to activate the new sim cards.

:raising_hand_man: CaptainKranch replied

At the moment we are doing this on a gsheet with a custom script thourg extension → app scripts but sometimes it is so slow that we are looking an alternative

:raising_hand_man: CaptainKranch replied

can we do a call here on dc so you can help me? let me know when you are going to be available and I’ll call you! Thanks a lot!

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

I see there is a meeting you 've booked later - happy to be in touch and we will look into this

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

apologies I missed the earlier schedule

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