Subdomain setup [Feb 04]

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur asked

anybody has a nocodb docker forwarded to a domain.tld/subfolder (instead of IP:port) in nginx or npm? Can you share how did you achieve it… seems almost impossible for me

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

I’ve seen our users use it with subdomain. And I understand you are looking for nginx et al setup :slightly_smiling_face:

There was a git discussion

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

let me try to find it

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

somewhat related (but at API level)

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Bug in 'reverse-proxy with sub-path' configuration · Issue #428 · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

hi, thanks for this, I came across of this page too, but it did not help

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

my problem is more related to linking nocodb to subdirectory via nginx rather than subdomain

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

subdomain works for me, but I cannot use it due to the specific setup of the server that I am not an admin of, I received a specific subdomain, under which I am able to issue multiple docker containers to subdirectories, e.g. aaa.doomain.tld/nocodb and aaa.domain.tld/postgresql

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

I cannot make nocodb work this way with nginx proxy manager, I can make it work with the main aaa.domain.tld but not aaa.domain.tld/nocodb, which is not ideal as I will have more containers to run

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

any help would be welcome

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

You would have to fiddle two env variables. Backend_url and another similar.

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

Yeah, I did, I believe all I have set correctly, as with the IPs I am able to reach the server, it is rather linking it up with nginx is the issue I have

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied

there is a lack of clear documentation on that unfortunately

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Would love a PR on it please (when sorted)

:raising_hand_man: vikiiingur replied


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