Time & DateTime fields recorded with an offset [Mar 02]

:raising_hand_man: ghost asked

One more bug, I am editing the created_at field, setting the time to 22:42 and when the dialog is closed, the time is set to 14:42 instead. EDIT: I checked the database structure, looks like the field type created for timestamps is without time zone. Maybe this is related, not sure.

:man_bald: dstala replied


Thank you for reporting this up. We have an issue in GIT for this. As you have rightly pointed out, it is associated with how we store/ handle timezone. Will keep you posted.

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I have a similar issue with the DateTime field
I am running this on a vServer:

Node: v16.19.1
Arch: x64
Platform: linux
Docker: true
RootDB: pg
PackageVersion: 0.107.4

timezone on the vServer UTC+2
timezone on my Laptop UTC+2

When I access NocoDB with the browser of my Laptop and I insert “2010-10-10 10:10” into the DateTime field and then press ‘reload’, the value automatically changes to “2010-10-10 12:10”

When I set the time zone of my Laptop to UTC, the inserted DateTime value doesn’t change.

So it looks as if the DateTime field would automatically add the timezone hours to the entry.
I reproduced this with

-Firefox on Linux
-Chrome on Linux
-Firefox on Windows
-Chrome on Windows

Unfortunately, this would make beautiful NocoDB unusable for my usercase.

With this installation, the ‘date’ and ‘datetime’ - fields work well without any adjustment of the system time zone:

Node: v16.19.1
Arch: x64
Platform: linux
Docker: true
RootDB: pg
PackageVersion: 0.108.1

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