Datetime column create error [May 24]

:raising_hand_man: ofir asked

error in “datetime” column.

i cheese date and i get this error.

:man_bald: dstala replied

<@924381466761265192>, could you please help us with project details? if issue still persistent, do raise an issue here Issues · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

Node: v12.22.6

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: sqlite3

PackageVersion: 0.90.11

:man_bald: dstala replied

Recommended node version is v14.18.0+. I tried creating a datetime column with below configuration & it worked fine

Node: v14.18.0

Arch: arm64

Platform: darwin

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: sqlite3

PackageVersion: 0.90.11

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

I think it’s because +03:00

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

Node: v16.15.0

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: sqlite3

PackageVersion: 0.90.11

again same error

:man_bald: dstala replied

Please raise an issue in Github with relevant details. we will look into it.

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