I have
Column 1 [DateTime] “Ordering Time”
Column 2 [Number] “Driving Time” (Values between 120 to 300 minutes)
Column 3 [Formular] “Estimated Delivery Time”
I need
Column 3 should be “Ordering Time” + “Driving Time” as [DateTime]
I tried
DATEADD({Ordering Time}, ({Driving Time}/1440), ‘day’)
I get
Error Message “Invalid Formular”
I’d appreciate very much, if someone could help me with that 
The DATEADD Formular is not working at all in my NocoDB. It always gives error-msg “Invalid formular”. Even the example formular from the help-file. I tried NocoDB Installations with Docker and npm in Linux and Windows. I used SQLite.
I tried the DATEADD-Formular with a postgresql-database and it works perfect. It seems, that the DATEADD Formular is not working at all in a SQLite database. Can someone confirm that?
I found that the DATEADD formular
- in SQLite is not working at all
- in MySQL can only add full days (calculating hours or minutes is not possible)
- in postgresql can calculate minutes and hours