Unable to create table via APIs [Jun 07]

:raising_hand_man: djang0 asked

Hi everyone why i’m not unable to create table (tried with xc-auth and xc-token) and fot "msg": "tableCreate - editor : Not allowed" or "msg": "tableCreate - user : Not allowed" thanks

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

Hi! Could you provide us the project info?

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

And also how can we reproduce this error and how do you arrive to this message. Thank you

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

Hi <@234236409429491712> , I just created a project and want to create a table using NocoDB API Documentation but it didn’t works

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

I pasted the test json to try

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied


Could you send the endpoint and the sending json?

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

also the request, redact personal info

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

i’m using xc-auth

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

are you using a user with editor capabilities?

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied


:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

this is the one i use on the gui

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

in fact I even have other problems, when I call the api to insert a line with a valid json, it creates a blank line, so I do not know if it is my version that is defective (latest) or not :thinking:

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

it seems really instable

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

editor is only allowed to change the data and not the schema

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

you would need higher permissions

:raising_hand_man: djang0 replied

i’m using the token from creator and superadmin user

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Can u raise an issue with all details pls

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Something not right

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

With the API being invoked on ur end