Updating the table with many to many relations [May 18]

:raising_hand_man: AK asked

I have table with relation column (many to many) and I need to clean the data from the rest api. How can I do it? I tried to make an update request (PATCH request) to the table but it’s seems like the column isn’t recognized. I tried to update it from the related table but also - column isn’t recognized. Am I’m missing something?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Please provide more details/steps on this.

:raising_hand_man: AK replied

Likw what? Let me know what info you want / need and I’ll give you :grinning:

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Like steps and errors pls

:raising_hand_man: AK replied


Making api request to update row and empty the data in the related column from the table have the relation column.

Making api request to update row and empty the data in the related column from the related table

(When you make relation it’s making column in the related table)

Tried to fetch the table to see what the name of the column to make sure I’m correct, I saw also a system column so I tried update it.


If I will try to update only this column it will say the request data is empty (means not recognizing the column)

Not only the relation one, not the system one and not the one in the related table. Error codr 400. If you want me to get the exect err msg I will get it.

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