Updating to LinkToAnotherRecord field [May 25]

:raising_hand_man: Canx asked

Hi! In a “LinktoAnotherRecord” column, how can I change the external column shown in the colored bubble?

:man_bald: dstala replied

- You can double click ‘colored bubble’ (or)

- Use expand icon on right hand side of that cell (becomes visible on click)

:raising_hand_man: Canx replied

I found it! I must change the column to “Primary value”. I was confused because in spanish was translated as “primary key”, that it’s a different thing…

:raising_hand_man: Canx replied

At the end of this document is explained: https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/blob/19d5f0114bbb9438896b2e6a97843e406ca030da/packages/noco-docs/content/en/setup-and-usages/primary-value.md

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