Use Noco with a read-only mysql user [May 30]

:raising_hand_man: cristian76 asked

Im a new in nocodb, its possible to use nocodb with a ready-only mysql user ? Will be possible to create field in nocodb interface ?

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

Hello! Obviously with a read-only user you cannot create fields on the db, because Noco must have the ability to write and eventually modify the database.

:raising_hand_man: FrancyMak replied

However, if you need a user to only be able to read and not edit/create, you can create a user with the viewer role.

:raising_hand_man: cristian76 replied

Yes i understand, but will be great feature if Nocodb can work with a readonly user from database and allow to create custom new fields without sending to the Database, keeps the original database untoched.

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