Deploying nocodb as nodejs in digital ocean [Feb 14]

:raising_hand_man: Dash asked

Hey folks

Have anyone successfully deployed nocodb to Digital Ocean as an node.js instance? Could someone help me out with the setup without docker?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

clone this repo

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

GitHub - nocodb/nocodb-seed

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

then follow the instructions on digital ocean setting up of nodejs

:raising_hand_man: Dash replied

I’ll try this one, thank you :pray:

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

would love to know how it went through, cheers

:raising_hand_man: Dash replied

It worked for the deployment, but there’s a problem with a remote DB

I’m using CleverCloud for postgres DB as it has free options. The free plan limits connections to the database to 5 connections only

Somehow a single instance of Nocodb takes and holds all the connections so it runs out of it

Autogenerated from discord

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