Formula- issue with Concat & space in column name [Jul 14]

:raising_hand_man: edon asked

Hello - big fan of your project! Currently migrating an airtable and working on rebuilding formulas. Having issues with it not being able to validate column names that have spaces in them, sucha as “Item Name”. formula CONCAT({Item Name}, " SOLD OUT") for example would get me validation error “Column 'Item ’ is not available”

:man_bald: dstala replied

<@306585454507982849> please help us with your project configurations (open project, right top menu, copy project info).

:man_bald: dstala replied

I tried with following project info, worked well

Node: v16.14.0

Arch: arm64

Platform: darwin

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: true

RootDB: mysql2

PackageVersion: 0.92.3

:man_bald: dstala replied

& do specify the type of the field “Item Name”

:raising_hand_man: ideeb replied

Copy project info only gives me: keyQBkWiM6kQde8Wp

:raising_hand_man: ideeb replied

I’ve tried it with, text, numbers, and lookups with no success

:man_bald: dstala replied

strange. what version of nocodb are you on? you can hover around nocodb logo to find it out.

:raising_hand_man: ideeb replied


:raising_hand_man: ideeb replied

Node: v16.15.0

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: mysql2

PackageVersion: 0.92.3

:raising_hand_man: ideeb replied

Both issues stemmed from using safari – :speak_no_evil: no problems on chrome

:man_bald: dstala replied

> Both issues stemmed from using safari – :speak_no_evil: no problems on chrome

ah, thats interesting.

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