Heroku setup default configurations [Feb 26]

:raising_hand_man: Yusipower asked

hello everyone, I turned around on heroku to fully use it, do I need to create a mysql database somewhere, or when I click create a project, is the database already being created, or will I only create a schema this way?

:man_bald: dstala replied

Yusipower@discord By default, NocoDB users SQLite as its database (NC_DB, shown in simple architecture diagram below). So, any project that you create afresh, will use SQLite database.

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Additionally, you can go ahead and create project by connecting to existing MySQL, MS SQL, SQLite or Postgres database by providing its connection parameters.


:raising_hand_man: Yusipower replied

Thank you I don’t have an existing database I want to start from scratch but have a powerful database right away which way should I go?

:man_bald: dstala replied

Did you setup NocoDB using 1-click deploy to Heroku?


On Heroku, default database (NC_DB) configured is Postgres & is powerful enough for most of operations. So, you can get started with it as is.

Sorry for the confusion above with SQLite. That’s default database in general when deployed using Docker.

:raising_hand_man: Yusipower replied

Yes, I’m on heroku! then I can configure everything and send it to production!)?

:man_bald: dstala replied


:raising_hand_man: Yusipower replied


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