Meta db & data db [Mar 25]

:raising_hand_man: dpg asked

and does hitting “create project” (as opposed to “create by connecting to an external database”) create a database on that backing postgres?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

pls check this out

Welcome | NocoDB

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

ahhh missed that somehow thanks

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

it is possible to use the same db to store your metadata and data.

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

however, normally people would put them into separate dbs

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

Yeah I can understand why that would be

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

I am wondering, is there a way once I’ve set it up to see what database nocodb is using for the meta?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

you can check your project info

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

See FAQs | NocoDB

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

because deploying via fly just not sure if it has received the connection details or not. OK thanks will do

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

Node: v16.14.0

Arch: arm64

Platform: darwin

Docker: false

Database: pg

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: mysql2

PackageVersion: 0.84.15

you should see sth like this. RootDB is the meta db while Database is the data db

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

if you haven’t specified your meta db (i.e. NC_DB), then sqlite will be used.

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

Node: v12.22.10

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: false

Database: pg

ProjectOnRootDB: true

RootDB: pg

PackageVersion: 0.84.15

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

wow ok, impressive. deployment is pretty straightforward then

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

I just deployed the image and it recognised to create a postgres database. then populated DATABASE_URL env for me, and apparently its all hooked up already!

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied


:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

do they 've a 1-click button to deploy ?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

like heroku

:raising_hand_man: dpg replied

1 command ? almost