I installed NocoDB using an IP address instead of a domain name. Can someone tell me how to switch to a domain name? I’d like to enable SSL while I’m at it. A reinstall is out because it fails unless I delete my entire NocoDB folder. I assume I need to update the docker compose file, but I don’t know if the changes are obvious, and if more is needed. Thanks!
this pr should fix the reinstall failure fix(upstall): kvstore init by sinanmohd · Pull Request #10363 · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub
inside the nocodb directory create a file called noco.state
and paste this inside
state_version | 1
generated_password | <paste postgress_password from old nocodb/docker.env here>
use the upstall from upstall-reinstall-fix branch
bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nocodb/nocodb/refs/heads/upstall-reinstall-fix/docker-compose/1_Auto_Upstall/noco.sh) <(mktemp)
currently we do not have migrations for the upstall script, so you have to do this manually
should be fixed in the future
update now we do provide migrations for the old installations, just run
bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nocodb/nocodb/refs/heads/upstall-reinstall-fix/docker-compose/1_Auto_Upstall/noco.sh) <(mktemp)