Self-host : NOCODB Installation Via HOMEBREW Fails To Run

Successfully installed Homebrew on Debian 12.8 along with all NOCODB dependencies per online instuction docs.

However when I run


I get the following error…even after making the homebrew-install nocodb binary executable.

tcb@miniserver:~$ brew list
==> Formulae
binutils gcc gmp isl libmpc lz4 mpfr nocodb xz zlib zstd

==> Casks
tcb@miniserver:~$ nocodb
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/nocodb: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

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Any idea when the Nix flake for NOCODB will be available?

Having a .DEB for NOCODB would make it readily available to the large Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and other downstream communities.

As for us, we’re done with Docker and are migrating our shop and all our clients to Nix on Debian and thereafter to NixOS, so a Nix flake would be ideal.

Nix flakes are the future of cross-platform package management and declarative SW builds.