Sync new [Jan 18]

:raising_hand_man: J.R. asked

a table is marked as “new” but never synced, how to solve that?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Please paste project info… right top menu

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Please DM the image or short video

:raising_hand_man: J.R. replied

Node: v12.22.6

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: true

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: mysql2

PackageVersion: 0.84.6

:raising_hand_man: J.R. replied

video explaining the issue Screen Recording 2022-01-16...

:raising_hand_man: J.R. replied

o1lab@discord some help about this?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Can u please create another table in dB not using noco and try to sync again.

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

And if you don’t mind, pls share metadata by downloading it … will be a zip file.

:raising_hand_man: J.R. replied


Autogenerated from discord

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