Webhook with condition [Jun 03]

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro asked

Hello! Has anyone met webhook issues like this one https://www.berrycast.com/conversations/ac419776-b002-550b-a295-08e6301da589 ?

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

Webhook with condition has issues · Issue #2209 · nocodb/nocodb · GitHub

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

<@310157751395287040> do you have the same behaviour?

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

I didn’t want to create a ticket without confirmation here

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

please provide your project info

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

in the github issue

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

anything else I can help you with?

:raising_hand_man: alex_zhitmarev replied

Got exactly the same behaviour of “on condition” is turned on

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

what’s your project info?

:raising_hand_man: alex_zhitmarev replied

sorry. I am new with nocodb - what is project info?

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

Top right corner → click 3 dots → copy project info

and paste it here

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

Or you can add comment to GH issue with your project info, it may be useful for developers

:raising_hand_man: alex_zhitmarev replied

Node: v12.22.12

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: true

Database: sqlite3

ProjectOnRootDB: true

RootDB: sqlite3

PackageVersion: 0.91.1

:raising_hand_man: alex_zhitmarev replied

here it is))

:raising_hand_man: alex.pro replied

<@310157751395287040> https://www.berrycast.com/conversations/1bca497d-7f6f-5857-aad2-261d74e6818d webhooks sometimes don’t work (all webhooks from video worked… I can’t say when they stopped working, I see the last successful call was 23 of May)

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