Hello folk new to nocodb trying to set [Oct 06]

:raising_hand_man: khurram asked

hello folk; new to nocodb; trying to set it up in docker with sql server which is external

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

Can you try a simple script with knex and your credentials, something as follows:


const knex = require(‘knex’)({

client: ‘mssql’,

connection: {

host: ‘localhost’,

port: 1432,

user: ‘sa’,

password: ‘password’,

database: ‘test’



knex.raw(‘select 1+1’).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(e => console.log(e))


:raising_hand_man: khurram replied


:raising_hand_man: khurram replied

has given sysadmin role to sql user; and its working now

:raising_hand_man: khurram replied

earlier i created the needed database (that i specified in NC_DB) and sql user had dbo role to that database only

:raising_hand_man: khurram replied

thanks for the help man! :+1:

:man_technologist: pranavxc replied

Glad it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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