Webhook with old style [Jun 04]

:raising_hand_man: ofir asked

why have on me old style design?

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

please check your version

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

Node: v16.15.0

Arch: x64

Platform: linux

Docker: false

Database: mysql2

ProjectOnRootDB: false

RootDB: sqlite3

PackageVersion: 0.91.7

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

how did u start nocodb?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied


:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

i mean how

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

starting frontend & backend both locally?

:raising_hand_man: ofir replied


:raising_hand_man: ofir replied

i restart app with pm2

:raising_hand_man: wkw replied

can u try on another browser to see if it s related to cache

:person_tipping_hand: o1lab replied

just do a hard refresh - it will be fine

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